Monday, September 1, 2014

National Preparedness Month | Preparing for an Earthquake

September is National Preparedness Month. Prepper Folks wants you to be prepared. Not everyone can do everything, but there are many things that you can do to get ready. You can't know when an emergency is going to happen so it is time to get prepared now.

In the first of our series, we want to help you get prepared for an earthquake.

What: An earthquake is the sudden, rapid shaking of the earth, caused by the breaking and shifting of subterranean rock as it releases strain that has accumulated over a long time. Initial mild shaking may strengthen and become extremely violent within seconds. Additional earthquakes, called aftershocks, may occur for hours, days, or even months. Most are smaller than the initial earthquake but larger magnitude aftershocks also occur.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Food Price Watch | World Bank sounds alarm warning of food riots because of rising global food prices

World food prices rose in the first quarter of the year for the first time since their all-time high in August 2012, driven by rising demand in China, drought in the United States and unrest in Ukraine.

WASHINGTON: World food prices rose in the first quarter of the year for the first time since their all-time high in August 2012, driven by rising demand in China, drought in the United States and unrest in Ukraine.
"Food price shocks can both spark and exacerbate conflict and political instability, and it is vital to promote policies that work to mitigate these effects," the report warned.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Be Prepared

In the information age we live in, we can never seem to get anything fast enough. We demand instant satisfaction and answers to our questions. And things like air conditioning and automatic washers that were once extravagant luxuries are now taken for granted. Even the food we prepare is usually out of a box (or a drive through window). We can never seem to get too much convenience and most of our needs are virtually at our fingertips 

...(when is the last time you actually stood up to turn on the TV?). 

Creating an Emergency Evacuation Plan

Creating an evacuation plan is an important step your family should take toward emergency preparedness. If a disaster requiring evacuation strikes your household, you and your family members will need to know where to safely meet.  It’s also a good idea to decide on a safe meeting place inside your home should a disaster not requiring evacuation strike.  Once your plan is constructed, practice it at least four times a year. Make sure you frequently remind family members, especially small children, of your emergency evacuation plan.

Use the following tips as guidelines for creating a safe, efficient emergency evacuation plan: